Flavor doesn't take up space 02/11/2015 111 Comentarios

"And suddenly the memory was captured. That taste was of the little piece of madeleine that, on Sunday mornings, in Combray (...) when I went to say good morning to her room, my aunt Léonie gave me... "
Marcel Proust. "In Search of Lost Time".
Every collection is ultimately nothing more than a challenge to memory, a foolish and passionate way of conquering a space of eternity that widens with each conquest that is added to what the collector collects. At Aimée we like to favor all those who collect memories made and those yet to be made. We like to dedicate ourselves to satisfying the thirst for passion that our beloved collectors demonstrate while they live on the lookout for that unsuspected element that they will enshrine as an indelible memory in their private gallery of eternity. For this reason, at Aimée, we have already prepared the entirety of our new autumn-winter collection, to give our vivid and vivid collectors the opportunity to improve the flavor of each of their souvenir collections, to encourage them to capture the landscape of the memories yet to be made, allowing yourself to be seduced by the suggestive shapes that each shoe will know how to shape as a shape specially conceived for the collector who was looking for it. So that we don't forget it, so that our collectors don't forget us and give us a good place in their memories.