Searching for hidden treasures 28/05/2015 33 Comentarios

You only need to take a walk through our collection to realize that at aimée we have a very different concept of exclusivity.

Yes, we recognize it. We like to deliberately stay away from ephemeral fashion trends and those brands that base their identity on the visibility of a logo and use dazzling advertising campaigns as a claim.

Ours is to look for hidden treasures. Each of the designers we select is a discovery, a jewel that we want to share with our clients and that you make lasting.

Finding the talent we are looking for is not easy. The designers we are passionate about avoid the advertising circuits: their hallmarks are the high quality of their materials, the craftsmanship and the personal and non-transferable style of each of them.

Their particular and almost extinct way of conceiving their work forces them to not be able to take on many clients or large orders because they do not want to change their traditional way of manufacturing footwear.

Our exclusivity is, therefore, a matter of attitude and firm principles. We search and search to continue finding and offering you unique pieces with soul that will not leave you indifferent.